SchemaSpy Analysis of sola.cadastre - ColumnsThe SOLA implementation of the LADM Spatial Unit Package. Represents parcels of land and water that can be associated to rights (a.k.a. Cadastre Objects) as well as general spatial or geographic features such as roads, hydro and place names, etc. General spatial features are also known as Spatial Units in SOLA. | Generated by SchemaSpy |
Generated by SchemaSpy on Tue May 31 09:57 NZST 2016 |
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sola.cadastre contains 180 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table | Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Comments |
spatial_unit | dimension_code | varchar | 20 | '2D'::character varying | LADM Definition: Code for dimension. | ||
level | register_type_code | varchar | 20 | 'all'::character varying | LADM Definition: The register type of the content of the level. E.g. all, forest, mining, rural, urban, etc | ||
area_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 'c'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the area type | ||
cadastre_object | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
cadastre_object_node_target | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
cadastre_object_target | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
legal_space_utility_network | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
level | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
spatial_unit | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
spatial_unit_address | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
spatial_unit_group | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
spatial_unit_in_group | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
spatial_value_area | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
survey_point | change_action | bpchar | 1 | 'i'::bpchar | Indicates if the last data modification action that occurred to the row was insert (i), update (u) or delete (d). | ||
spatial_unit | surface_relation_code | varchar | 20 | 'onSurface'::character varying | LADM Definition: Code indicating if the spatial unit is above or below the surface. | ||
cadastre_object | type_code | varchar | 20 | 'parcel'::character varying | The type of cadastre object. E.g. parcel, building unit, etc. | ||
cadastre_object | status_code | varchar | 20 | 'pending'::character varying | The status of the cadastre object. | ||
cadastre_object | land_use_code | varchar | 255 | √ | 'residential'::character varying | Code to indicate the general purpose of the cadastre object. E.g. Commerical, Residential, Industrial, etc. | |
building_unit_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the building unit type | ||
dimension_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the dimension type | ||
hierarchy_level | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | Status of the hierarchy level | ||
land_use_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the land use type | ||
level_content_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the level content type | ||
structure_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the structure type | ||
surface_relation_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the surface relation type | ||
utility_network_status_type | status | bpchar | 1 | 't'::bpchar | SOLA Extension: Status of the utility network status type | ||
cadastre_object | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
cadastre_object_node_target | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
cadastre_object_target | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
legal_space_utility_network | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | SOLA Extension: Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
level | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | SOLA Extension: Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
spatial_unit | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | SOLA Extension: Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
spatial_unit_address | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
spatial_unit_group | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | SOLA Extension: Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
spatial_unit_in_group | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
spatial_value_area | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
survey_point | rowversion | int4 | 10 | 0 | Sequential value indicating the number of times this row has been modified. | ||
level | editable | bool | 1 | false | It shows if the spatial units of this level are editable from the spatial unit editor. | ||
cadastre_object_type | in_topology | bool | 1 | false | Flag to indicate that all cadastre objects of this type must obey topological conventions such as no gaps or overlaps between objects with the same type. | ||
survey_point | linked | bool | 1 | false | Flag to indicate if the new survey point has been linked to an existing cadastre object boundary node. | ||
cadastre_object | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
cadastre_object_node_target | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
cadastre_object_target | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
legal_space_utility_network | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | SOLA Extension: The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
level | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | SOLA Extension: The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
spatial_unit | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | SOLA Extension: The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
spatial_unit_address | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
spatial_unit_group | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | SOLA Extension: The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
spatial_unit_in_group | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
spatial_value_area | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
survey_point | change_time | timestamp | 29,6 | now() | The date and time the row was last modified. | ||
spatial_unit_address | address_id | varchar | 40 | Address identifier | |||
cadastre_object | approval_datetime | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | The datetime the cadastre object was approved/registered. | |
cadastre_object | building_unit_type_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | The building unit subtype if applicable. Not used by SOLA. | |
cadastre_object_target | cadastre_object_id | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the cadastre object. | |||
cadastre_object | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
cadastre_object_node_target | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
cadastre_object_target | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
legal_space_utility_network | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
level | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
spatial_unit | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
spatial_unit_address | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
spatial_unit_group | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
spatial_unit_in_group | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
spatial_value_area | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
survey_point | change_user | varchar | 50 | √ | null | The user id of the last person to modify the row. | |
cadastre_object | classification_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | FROM SOLA State Land Extension: The security classification for this Parcel. Only users with the security classification (or a higher classification) will be able to view the record. If null, the record is considered unrestricted. | |
area_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the area type. | |||
building_unit_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the building unit type. | |||
cadastre_object_type | code | varchar | 20 | The code for the cadastre object type. | |||
dimension_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the dimension type. | |||
hierarchy_level | code | varchar | 20 | The code for the hierarchy level. | |||
land_use_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the land use type. | |||
level_content_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the level content type. | |||
register_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the register type. | |||
structure_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the structure type. | |||
surface_relation_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the surface relation type. | |||
utility_network_status_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the utility network status type. | |||
utility_network_type | code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: The code for the utility network type. | |||
level_config_map_layer | config_map_layer_name | varchar | 40 | ||||
area_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the area type. | |
building_unit_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the building unit type. | |
cadastre_object_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Description of the cadastre object type. | |
dimension_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the dimension type. | |
hierarchy_level | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | Description of the hierarchy level. | |
land_use_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the land use type. | |
level_content_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the level content type. | |
register_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the register type. | |
structure_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the structure type. | |
surface_relation_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the surface relation type. | |
utility_network_status_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the utility network status type. | |
utility_network_type | description | varchar | 1000 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Description of the utility network type. | |
area_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the area type. | |||
building_unit_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the building unit type. | |||
cadastre_object_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | Displayed value of the cadastre object type. | |||
dimension_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the dimension type. | |||
hierarchy_level | display_value | varchar | 500 | Displayed value of the hierarchy level. | |||
land_use_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the land use type. | |||
level_content_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the level content type. | |||
register_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the register type. | |||
structure_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the structure type. | |||
surface_relation_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the surface relation type. | |||
utility_network_status_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the utility network status type. | |||
utility_network_type | display_value | varchar | 500 | LADM Definition: Displayed value of the utility network type. | |||
legal_space_utility_network | ext_physical_network_id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | LADM Definition: External identifier for a physical utility network. | |
hierarchy | filter_category | varchar | 2147483647 | √ | null | ||
spatial_unit_group | found_in_spatial_unit_group_id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The identifier of the parent spatial unit group that this group is part of. | |
cadastre_object_node_target | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | The geometry of the node containing the coordinate details. | |||
hierarchy | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | ||
legal_space_utility_network | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Not provided. | |
place_name | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | ||
road | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | ||
spatial_unit | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The geometry for the spatial unit. Can be any geometry type. | |
spatial_unit_group | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The geometry for the spatial unit group. Can be any geometry type. | |
survey_control | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | ||
survey_point | geom | geometry | 2147483647 | Geometry representing the current position of the survey point. | |||
cadastre_object | geom_polygon | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | The PostGIS geometry for the cadastre object. Must be a ploygon. Multipolygon geometries are not currently supported by SOLA. | |
cadastre_object_target | geom_polygon | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | The new geometry of the cadastre object as a result of the cadastre transaction. | |
spatial_unit_group | hierarchy_level | int4 | 10 | LADM Definition: The level in the hierarchy of the administrative or zoning subdivision. | |||
cadastre_object | historic_datetime | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null | The datetime the cadastre object was superseded and became historic. | |
cadastre_object | id | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the cadastre object. | |||
hierarchy | id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
legal_space_utility_network | id | varchar | 40 | LADM Definition: Legal space utility network identifier. | |||
level | id | varchar | 40 | LADM Definition: Level identifier. | |||
place_name | id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
road | id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
spatial_unit | id | varchar | 40 | LADM Definition: Spatial unit identifier. | |||
spatial_unit_group | id | varchar | 40 | LADM Definition: Spatial unit group identifier. | |||
survey_control | id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | ||
survey_point | id | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the survey point. | |||
hierarchy | label | varchar | 50 | √ | null | ||
place_name | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
road | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
spatial_unit | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Label for the spatial unit. Used by SOLA as the label to display for the feature in the Map Viewer. | |
spatial_unit_group | label | varchar | 50 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Short textual description of the spaital unit group. | |
survey_control | label | varchar | 255 | √ | null | ||
spatial_unit | land_use_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: Code to indicate the general purpose of the cadastre object. E.g. Commerical, Residential, Industrial, etc. | |
level_config_map_layer | level_id | varchar | 40 | ||||
spatial_unit | level_id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The identifier for the level. | |
level | name | varchar | 50 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The name of the level. | |
spatial_unit_group | name | varchar | 50 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The name of the spatial unit group. | |
cadastre_object | name_firstpart | varchar | 20 | The first part of the name or reference assigned by the land administration agency to identify the cadastre object. E.g. lot number, etc | |||
cadastre_object | name_lastpart | varchar | 50 | The remaining part of the name or reference assigned by the land administration agency to identify the cadastre object. E.g. survey plan number, map number, section reference, etc. | |||
cadastre_object_node_target | node_id | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the node. | |||
survey_point | original_geom | geometry | 2147483647 | Geometry representing the original position of the survey point i.e. before it was linked to an existing cadastre object boundary node. | |||
cadastre_object | redact_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | FROM SOLA State Land Extension: The redact classification for this Parcel. Only users with the redact classification (or a higher classification) will be able to view the record with un-redacted fields. If null, the record is considered unrestricted and no redaction to the record will occur unless bulk redaction classifications have been set for fields of the record. | |
spatial_unit | reference_point | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The coordinates of a point inside the spatial unit. Only used by SOLA to define point geometries like place names. | |
spatial_unit_group | reference_point | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The coordinates of a point inside the spatial unit group. | |
spatial_unit_group | seq_nr | int4 | 10 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: Used to assist with number sequencing and naming of spatial units within the spatial unit group. | |
spatial_value_area | size | numeric | 29,2 | The value of the area. Must be in metres squared and can be converted for display if requried. | |||
cadastre_object | source_reference | varchar | 100 | √ | null | Used to indicate the original source of the cadastre object. Can be a map reference or a reference to the system the geometry was migrated from. | |
spatial_unit_in_group | spatial_unit_group_id | varchar | 40 | Spatial unit group identifier | |||
spatial_unit_address | spatial_unit_id | varchar | 40 | Spatial unit identifier. | |||
spatial_unit_in_group | spatial_unit_id | varchar | 40 | Spatial unit identifier. | |||
spatial_value_area | spatial_unit_id | varchar | 40 | Spatial unit identifier. | |||
cadastre_object_type | status | bpchar | 1 | Status of the cadastre object type | |||
register_type | status | bpchar | 1 | SOLA Extension: Status of the register type | |||
utility_network_type | status | bpchar | 1 | SOLA Extension: Status of the utility network type | |||
legal_space_utility_network | status_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Status code for the legal space utility network. | |
level | structure_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | LADM Definition: Code for the structure of the level geometry. E.g. point, polygon, sketch, etc. | |
cadastre_object | transaction_id | varchar | 40 | Reference to the SOLA transaction that created the cadastre object. | |||
cadastre_object_node_target | transaction_id | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the transaction the node is associated with. | |||
cadastre_object_target | transaction_id | varchar | 40 | Identifier for the transaction the cadastre object is being affected by. | |||
spatial_unit | transaction_id | varchar | 40 | √ | null | SOLA Extension: The identifier of the bulk operation transaction that loaded the spatial unit. | |
survey_point | transaction_id | varchar | 40 | Identifier of the transaction that created the survey point. | |||
legal_space_utility_network | type_code | varchar | 20 | LADM Definition: Type code for the legal space utility network. | |||
level | type_code | varchar | 20 | √ | null | LADM Definition: The type of content of the level. | |
spatial_value_area | type_code | varchar | 20 | The type of the spatial value area. E.g. officialArea, calculatedArea, etc. | |||
survey_point | boundary | bool | 1 | true | Flag to indicate if the survey point is a boundary point (true) or traverse point (false). | ||
cadastre_object | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the cadastre_object_historic table | ||
cadastre_object_node_target | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the cadastre_object_node_target_historic table | ||
cadastre_object_target | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the cadastre_object_target_historic table | ||
legal_space_utility_network | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | SOLA Extension: Identifies the all change records for the row in the legal_space_utility_network_historic table | ||
level | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | SOLA Extension: Identifies the all change records for the row in the level_historic table | ||
spatial_unit | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | SOLA Extension: Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_unit_historic table | ||
spatial_unit_address | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_unit_address_historic table | ||
spatial_unit_group | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | SOLA Extension: Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_unit_group_historic table | ||
spatial_unit_in_group | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_unit_in_group_historic table | ||
spatial_value_area | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the spatial_value_area_historic table | ||
survey_point | rowidentifier | varchar | 40 | uuid_generate_v1() | Identifies the all change records for the row in the survey_point_historic table |